memory maker 2 | the storytime diary

She fingers the bright bindings piled in rows in the brimful basket at our feet and plucks a few, plunking them down on the couch before swinging one leg up, and then the other. Curling into me, her tiny frame fits snugly against mine in the afternoon sunlight.  And we sink into pillows and my eyes chase letters and her ears chase cadence and we drift deeper into wonder with each turn of the page. And sometimes she interrupts and sometimes she yawns and sometimes she shouts, “Again!” when the last word is uttered. And on and on we romp through the magic hour that now feels natural as breathing and I watch her dark eyes dart – captivated. And I whisper gratitude and fall in love again with this and motherhood and her. And later, when the house falls silent, and all the doing is done, I pull out the book…her book.

The small one with the bumblebee and the reaching flowers and the lined pages of list upon list – beloved books and authors scrawled in her momma’s hand – a record of what one small girl saw and heard and loved, again and again. And I remember and write and smile. And imagine, years from now, a young woman with dancing dark eyes, whispering between the library shelves, clutching a chubby dimpled hand on one side, and this book on the other. And when the small one in her shadow asks (loudly, of course), “What book are we gonna get, Momma?”, she’ll whisper back, “Well, when I was three, I loved…”

19 responses to “memory maker 2 | the storytime diary

  1. This is a beautiful post.

  2. Its wonderful to hear about the time you take to enjoy each moment. I have to admit that story reading is not my favorite. But I do love hearing an older brother read to his sister.

  3. What a wonderful way to keep track of her favorites for the future! I loved reading your story about storytime with your girl.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. I’ve encouraged my recently-learned-to-read daughter of 10 years old to write down her books that she has read. I did this as a child and grew to love pulling down my old binder and writing another book title and author on the page. How wonderful that you do this with your daughter.

  5. this is beautiful. such a lovely idea.

  6. Oh, I do love this blog!
    I do the same thing, only when I started the notebook I was mostly doing it for myself, so I could remember titles I might want to check out from the library again. Consequently, the notebook is not a very pretty or durable one. After reading this I think I might have to transfer my notes to something a little more suitable for posterity.
    Thanks for putting me on your link list!

  7. Your prose is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I loved reading this. Wonderful idea!

  9. brilliant – i’ve been wanting to catalog our reading adventures before they slip away. this is beautiful.

  10. Nice “meeting” you too! Thanks for stopping by. I’ve been peeking around here, and you have a really beautiful space. I especially love this post and the idea of keeping a special list of books like this one…

  11. Pingback: link love | the habit of being

  12. What a fantastic idea! Just stumbled across your blog and LOVE it. You have such a way with words. Looking forward to catching up with the old and enjoying the new in the days to come.

  13. What a sweet, sweet post. Oh, how I *know* those fleeting, loving moments! Your handwriting is beautiful, by the way! Good for you for writing on actual paper. This may sound crazy, but I email my daughter little snippets from our days. Ah…modern times! 🙂

  14. Also, great book lists. I see some of my favorites there!

  15. I do this for my students at school. Why has it never occurred to me to do the same for my children. So lovely! A gift for them. How I would love to see the names of all my favorites when I was young and to know what my own mother loved as a child.

  16. This is a sweet idea. It’ll be awesome to see how the books evolve from say, One fish two fish, to Little House on the Prairie.
    I often wished I had kept a list of books I read since getting out of college (15 years ago!) which would be a fantastic long list, like a history of my mental travels.

  17. This is wonderful. For the longest time I kept a record of the chapter books I read aloud to the boys, but I stopped.
    I need to start again, and keep even better records this time!

  18. What a wonderful treasure that book will be!

    Pre-children I used to keep a list of all the books I read and when I stopped having time to read, the list stopped. I LOVE this idea – I must buy a nice book for each of the children and start asap! Thanks for YET another great idea!! xxx

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